Image from Wikimedia Commons
Gunma Guide to Omiyage

What are Omiyage? Omiyage is often defined as “souvenir,” but in Japan omiyage are not something you only give when you come back from vacation.  There are many customs surrounding omiyage,…

Cover photo by Sam Lee on Unsplash
Getting Around in Gunma

Public Transport Gunma has several public transportation options available.  However, as isn’t a large metropolitan area, not all areas are serviced and many of Gunma’s residents, both foreigners and Japanese…

Photo by Kishor on Unsplash
Gunma Transportation Guide

There's so many great things to explore in Gunma's countryside, and so many great ways to do that. Here's a breakdown of some of the many ways to get around…

Furikomi (Electronic Funds Transfer) Guide

At first glance, trying to pay your rent or your gas bill seems like a nearly insurmountable task, but once you get the hang of it, paying via bank transfer…

Photo by Ello on Unsplash
Using What’s Left in Your Fridge

Sometimes in one’s life, there comes a moment when one is unable to go to the grocery store because of an apocalyptic event like a mega-typhoon, global pandemic, or catastrophically…

Getting Your Japanese Driver’s License

Some of the information in this article is a few years old. We're working on updating it. [Initial D theme intensifies] Picture this: you’re a new ALT fresh out of…

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash
Medical Guide: Recommended Clinics in and around Gunma

We at GAJET are making a list of all the doctors, dentists, and eye clinics that you, our community, have recommended to us over the years. We are working towards…

Finding your nearest designated evacuation site (避難場所 hinan basho)

Editor's Note: This post was written before the beginning of time. The contents may no longer be relevant or accurate. Please investigate thoroughly before taking any advice or embarking on…

Cover photo by Amy Tran on Unsplash
Getting Your Scooter License in Gunma

If you’re new to Japan and have been asking around about how to get a Japanese driver’s license, you’ve probably heard some tales. There are some determined ALTs out there.…

How to Extend Your Period of Stay (Visa Renewal Guide)

When JETs arrive in Japan, they are given a three year visa. This visa is good for three years as long as you do not leave your job or change…