Driving in Gunma

Beep beep! So you decided to retire that janky 15-year-old mamachari and buy a car,…

Five Ways to Win Against the Winter Woes

Editor's Note: This post was written before the beginning of time. The contents may no…


The following information is intended as a general information guide only – please follow the…

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash
Medical Guide: Recommended Clinics in and around Gunma

We at GAJET are making a list of all the doctors, dentists, and eye clinics…

Photo by Michael Sum on Unsplash
Winter in Gunma: A guide to keeping sane

It’s December! The first snow has fallen in the mountains, the last of the summer…

Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash
Stage Too Horrible

Have you been feeling a little off lately? Sure, the dreaded in-fu-ru-en-za has been going…