GAJET is your local Gunma JET community and support group. We are here to help make your time in Gunma the best it can be by bringing you information, resources, and connecting you to the community!
GAJET is the local chapter of AJET, the Association of the Japan Exchange and Teaching Program run by elected JETs (just like you!). We are an independent, self-supporting volunteer organization that promotes and supports exchange and teaching in Japan in cooperation with the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme.
We also run the ultra-useful Gunma ALTs Facebook Page, which is perhaps the best way to stay up-to-date on local happenings, events, and news.
Don’t be a stranger, unless you are a wild Gunma bear or monkey- in which case, please do stay away.
Executive Committee

Cara is a 4th year ALT teaching at an elementary school in Takasaki. From Hoboken, New Jersey, Cara has always had an interest in Japan. She began learning Japanese at the age of 7, and completed her dream of traveling, studying abroad, and now working and living in Japan. Cara enjoys traveling, learning languages, playing video games, creative arts like painting, drawing and crocheting, and watching tv shows. When she isn’t being the number 1 social butterfly in Gunma, you can find her at the gym, in an onsen, or potatoing on her couch.

Vice President
Ben is a 2nd year high school ALT from Australia.
Ben enjoys hiking, camping and anything with two wheels. If you come along to an outdoor GAJET event, you’ll likely find him there.

Jess is a 2nd year ALT teaching at two schools in the belly button of Gunma, Shibukawa. She is from New Zealand with her home town a similar replicate of that of Shibukawa. She loves driving, travelling and listening to music. Out in the wild she loves a karaoke night or playing taiko! ( being either taiko no tatsujin or the instrument)

2nd year ALT from the US. Likes karaoke, gardening, watching tv and getting out and about.
Operational Team

Social Media Manager
Taylor is a 3rd year ALT teaching at middle school in Minakami. She is from Florida and loves to shuffle and house dance. She also enjoys outdoor music festivals and edm music. She majored in graphic design and now designs for ajet connect! Currently, she is at Japanese level N3 and aiming to hit N2 within the next year! She also enjoys traveling, playing piano, making art and so on

Leydi is a 4th year ALT teaching at two high schools in Ota and Ora. Although she loves to travel, Leydi was born and raised in Detroit, MI so living so close to so many mountains is very new to her.
She likes reading, going on walks, exploring new places, watching movies, and listening to podcasts. If she’s staying home, she’s probably watching Supernatural or Marvel phases 1-3.
Regional Representatives

Hokumō Region Representative
Bryce is a 3rd year ALT teaching in Naganohara. He enjoys making art, reading books, and collecting fountain pens.

Tōmō Region Representative
In addition to her role as Editor, Leydi is also the Tōmō Region Representative.

Chūmō Region Representative
In addition to his role as Vice President, Ben is also the Chūmō Region Representative.

Seimō Region Representative
In addition to her role as Treasurer, Shay is also the Seimō Region Representative.