We at GAJET are making a list of all the doctors, dentists, and eye clinics that you, our community, have recommended to us over the years. We are working towards making a comprehensive list of the best doctors in Gunma, based on English availability, location accessibility, and care quality and convenience. This list contains clinics that ALTs have recommended based off their own personal experiences. We hope that it will come in handy during a pinch.
Can’t find a place near you? We are updating our list of doctors as we find them.
If you know of a recommendable doctor, dentist or otherwise, please let us know.
If you are seeking more information about the GPs in your area, you can find information about English-supported clinics online here. Some of these clinics may not have been tested by your fellow ALTs, so please let us know about your experience.
Click for COVID-19 information
If you are seeking assistance in regards to COVID-19 (Coronavirus), then please do not go to a doctor. Instead, please call the number designated by your city and follow their instructions.
高崎市 Takasaki (027-381-6112)
安中市 Annaka (027-381-0345)
富岡市 Tomioka (0274-62-1541)
藤岡市 Fujioka (0274-22-1420)
桐生市 Kiryu (0277-53-4131)
館林市 Tatebayashi (0276-72-3230)
太田市 Ota (0276-31-8243)
前橋市 Maebashi (027-220-1151)
渋川市 Shibukawa (0279-22-4166)
伊勢崎市 Isesaki (0270-25-5066)
吾妻郡 Agatsuma (0279-75-3303)
利根郡 Tone (0278-23-2185)
沼田市 Numata (0278-23-2185)
These contacts have limited English support. If you are looking for up to date information, need a phone consultation, or help with other health-related issues, you can contact Gunma Onestop Center in English by email at [EMAIL NEEDED] or through their Facebook page.
There is also English support regarding COVID-19 by the AMDA Medical Information Center in Tokyo. These phone lines will be running until May 20, 2020:
Phone Number 1: 03-6233-9266
(10:00-17:00 on weekdays, 10:00-15:00 on Sat, Sun, and holidays)
Phone Number 2: 090-3359-8324
(10:00-17:00 on weekdays)
Makimoto Clinic • 牧元医院
Specialty: General
Address: 〒370-0064 群馬県高崎市芝塚町1845-2
1845-2 Shibazukamachi, Takasaki, Gunma 370-0064
Opening Hours: 9:00~12:00 and 16:00~18:00 (Closed on Saturday afternoons and Sundays)
- Dr. Makimoto speaks English and those who have visited him say he has a friendly attitude.
- A 20-minute walk from Takasaki or Kita-Takasaki station.
Website: https://www.med.pref.gunma.jp/pb_md_index/pb_md_list/pb_md_info/772?
Phone Number: 027-322-3623
Central Ladies Clinic • セントラルレディースクリニック
Specialty: Obstetrics and Gynaecology (OB-GYN)
Address: 群馬県高崎市東町80-7
80-7 Azumacho, Takasaki, Gunma 370-0045
Opening Hours: 9:00~12:00 and 14:00~18:00 (Closed on Thursday afternoons, and Sundays)
- Only a ten minute walk from Takasaki Station.
- Friendly and comfortable experience with a English-speaking, male doctor.
- The front desk has a translated sheet, explaining medical needs in English and Japanese. Remember to request an English-speaking doctor on your arrival.
- Walk-ins are welcome.
Website: https://www.clc.or.jp/MedicalInformation/MedicalInformation.html
Phone Number: 027-326-7711
Nishimura Clinic • 西村医院
Specialty: Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Psychosomatic Medicine,
and Psychiatry
Address: 〒370-0068群馬県高崎市昭和町 142-6
370-0068, Gunma Prefecture, Takasaki Showa-cho 142-6
Opening Hours: 9:00~13:00 and 15:00~18:00 (Closed on Wednesday afternoons and Sundays)
- English-speaking female physician at this clinic.
Website: http://www.nishimura-iin.com/
Phone Number: 027-388-1811
Kobayashi Ophthalmology Clinic • 小林眼科
Specialty: Ophthalmology (Eye Doctor)
Address: 〒370-0036 群馬県高崎市南大類町1292-3
1292-3 Minamioruimachi, Takasaki, Gunma 370-0036
Opening Hours: 9:00~12:00 and 15:00~18:00 (Closed on Wednesdays, Saturday afternoons, and Sundays)
- An eye exam costs around ¥2,500 with an insurance card.
- They don’t have the brand of contacts that may be available in your home country, so if you’re looking for a particular brand, research online first.
Website: http://www.kobayashi-ganka.or.jp/
Phone Number: 027-353-4110
Eye City • アイシティ高崎モントレー店
Specialty: Optometry
Address: 群馬県高崎市の眼科 | 高崎駅けやき眼科
〒370-0849 Gunma-ken, Takasaki-shi, Yashimachō, 222 高崎モントレー 5F
Opening Hours: 10:30~13:00 and 15:00~18:30
- Easy access from Takasaki Station – located nearby in the Montres mall.
- Two doctors who speak good English.
- The first time you visit, you are required to do a full exam to check your current prescription is correct.
- Prescription can be collected from the shop next to the office.
- They often have sales: check the website. On arrival, show the website page to reclaim.
- Appointments can be made online.
- Shops also near Aeon Mall, Takasaki, and South-Maebashi
Website: https://www.eyecity.jp/shop/287/
Phone Number: 027-310-5575
Takasaki Sato Eye Clinic • 高崎佐藤眼科
Specialty: Ophthalmology (Eye Doctor)
Address: 群馬県 高崎市南大類町1000-1
1000-1 Minami Daitaicho Takasaki, Gunma 370-0036
Opening Hours: 9:00~12:00 and 15:00~18:00
(Closed on Saturday afternoons, and Sundays)
- This is an excellent clinic and the doctor is practically fluent in English
- This clinic specialises in serious eye diseases. If you’ve looking for contacts or glasses, I would recommend going to a normal optician.
Website: http://www.tsato-eye.com/access
Phone Number: 027-352-8802
Sato Dermatology Clinic • 佐藤皮膚科医院
Specialty: Dermatology and Vaccinations
Address: 〒370-0837 群馬県高崎市下横町9-2
9-2 Shimoyokochō, Takasaki, Gunma 370-0837
Opening Hours: 9:00~12:30 and 15:30~18:00 (Closed on Wednesdays, Friday afternoons, and Sundays)
- Quite a bit of a wait, but well worth it for excellent medical care.
Website: https://caloo.jp/hospitals/detail/2100000444
Phone Number: 027-322-2914
Tanaka Dental Clinic • 田中歯科医院
Specialty: Dental
Address: 群馬県高崎市宮元町109-3
109-3 Miyamotocho, Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture
Hours: 9:00~12:30 and
14:30~18:30 (Closed on Thursdays and Sundays)
- Good, English-speaking dentist
- Easy access from Takasaki City Hall and Takasaki Station
Website: https://junpu-dc.com/index.html
Phone Number: 027-323-8016
Kondo Dental Clinic • 近藤歯科医院
Specialty: Dental
Address: 〒375-0013群馬県藤岡市上戸塚124−7
124-7 Kamitotsuka, Fujioka City, Gunma Prefecture, 375-0013
Opening Hours: 9:00~12:00 and
14:00~18:00 (Closed on Thursdays and Sundays)
- Appointments can be made online.
- English-speaking doctor
Website: https://www.kondodent.com/
Number: 0274-22-8264
Wada Clinic • 和田クリニック
Specialty: Internal Medicine, Dermatology, and
Address: 〒370-2343 群馬県富岡市七日市450-1
450-1 Nanokaichi, Tomioka, Gunma 370-2343
Opening Hours: 9:00~12:30 and
- One JET went to this clinic for skin condition, and recommended it highly.
- Easy access, quick entry, and a helpful doctor.
- There is a lack of English support.
Website: http://website2.infomity.net/8440000077/
Phone Number: 0274-67-5522
Tsukagoshi Clinic • 塚越クリニック
Specialty: Allergies, Internal Medicine, Respiratory Medicine, Dermatology
Address: 〒377-0008群馬県渋川市渋川3902-5
3902-5 Shibukawa, Gunma 377-0008
Opening Hours: 9:00~12:00 and 14:30~18:00
(Closed on Thursday afternoons, and Sundays)
- Highly recommended, English-speaking doctor
- Bus stop right in front of the clinic, access from Shibukawa Station and Ikaho Onsen
- Walk-ins are welcome
Website: http://www.myclinic.ne.jp/hope/pc/index.html
Phone Number: 0279-60-7700
National Hospital Organization Shibukawa Medical Centre • 国立病院機構 渋川医療センター
Specialty: Multiple departments
Address: 〒377-0204群馬県渋川市白井383番地
383 Shiroi, Shibukawa-shi, Gunma 377-0204
Opening Hours: 13:00~19:00,
10:00~19:00 on Saturdays and Sundays
- This is a big hospital, covering lots of areas of health.
- Processes at this hospital can be very confusing, it is recommended that you bring your supervisor or a Japanese-speaking helper to guide you through the process.
- Very clean and efficient.
- Before receiving an appointment, you are required to register as a patient at the hospital. It is a quick process.
Website: https://shibukawa.hosp.go.jp/index.html
Phone Number: 0279-23-1010
Hoshikawa Dental Clinic • 星川歯科医院
Specialty: Dental
Address: 〒377-0007 群馬県渋川市石原89-12
89-12 Ishihara, Shibukawa-shi, Gunma 377-0007
Opening Hours: 9:00~18:30 (Closed on Wednesdays and Sundays)
- A short walk from Shibukawa Station.
- The nurse was a medical interpreter and the doctor speaks decent English as well.
- This clinic can get pretty busy, so it is recommended to make an appointment. The nurse who speaks English is also the head of the front desk, so you can make your appointment in English if you’d like.
Website: https://haisha-yoyaku.jp/bun2sdental/detail/index/id/1031100314/
Phone Number: 0279-24-8835
Ishii Clinic (Shibukawa Ikaho Branch) • 渋川伊香保分院
Specialty: Dermatology
Address: 〒377-0002 群馬県渋川市中村116−1
116-1 Nakamura, Shibukawa, Gunma 377-0002
Opening Hours: 8:30~12:30, 14:00~18:00 (Closed on Saturdays and Sundays)
- No English here, but one ALT had a great experience receiving dermatology help.
Website: http://www.shibukawaikaho.ishii.or.jp/
Phone Number: 0279-30-3111
Mother’s Clinic TAMURA • マザーズクリニックTAMURA
Specialty: Obstetrics and Gynaecology (OB-GYN)
Address: 〒379-2121群馬県前橋市小屋原町584-1
584-2 Koyaharacho, Maebashi, Gunma Prefecture 379-2121
Opening Hours: 9:00~17:00
(Closed on Wednesdays and Sundays)
- There is a wonderful Gynaecologist: reasonable English, patient, and thorough in her explanations of treatment options.
Website: http://www.mc-tamura.jp/
Phone Number: 027-266-8803
Toyoda Clinic • 耳鼻咽喉科 とよだクリニック
Specialty: Otolaryngology (Ear, nose, and throat)
Address: 〒379-2122 群馬県前橋市駒形町557- 1
557-1 Komagata-cho, Maebashi City, Gunma Prefecture 379-2122
Opening Hours: 9:00~12:00 and
14:30~18:00 (Closed on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, and Sundays)
- Although the doctor doesn’t have much English, one of the receptionists is able to communicate in English.
- Thorough doctor
- There is a pharmacy next to the doctor’s office so filling out the prescription they give you is easy as pie.
Website: http://www.toyoda-cl.co.jp/
Phone Number: 027-267-1100
Matsuyama Clinic • 松山医院
Specialty: Internal Medicine, Dermatology, Sexually
Transmitted Diseases, and Medical Check
Address: 〒371-0023 群馬県前橋市本町1丁目1−3
1F 1-3-1 Honcho, Maebashi-shi, Gunma 371-0023
Opening Hours: 9:00~12:30 and
14:30~18:00 (Closed on Saturday afternoons, and Sundays)
- English available (an appointment is required)
- One of the few clinics in Gunma that does regular HIV testing (unlike other hospitals who have HIV testing on only certain days of the month)
- Friendly doctor who is about to explain most things in simple English and/or simplified Japanese
Website: http://matsuyamaiin.com/
Phone Number: 027-221-5297
Forest Mall Orthopaedic Sports Clinic • フォレスト整形外科・スポーツクリニック
Specialty: Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy
Address: 〒371-0844群馬県前橋市古市町180-1
180-1 Furuichimachi, Maebashi, Gunma 371-0844
Opening Hours: 8:45~11:45 and 15:30~19:00 (Closed on Saturday afternoons and Sundays)
- Lots of English support: fluent receptionist staff, well-spoken physiotherapist, and doctors who will work hard in their communication with you
- Recommended doctor is called “Masa”, but may have since moved
Website: http://www.forespo.com/
Phone Number: 027-212-0888
Onozato Dental Clinic • オノザトデンタルオフィス
Specialty: Dental
Address: 44-1 Maehakodamachi, Maebashi, Gunma 371-0835
Opening Hours: 10:00~13:00 and 14:00~20:00
- This is a pretty new clinic with up-to-date equipment.
- Although his English isn’t the best, he is a really good dentist.
Website: https://www.onozato-dental.com/access.html
Phone Number: 027-253-3855
Tashin Dental Clinic • 田新歯科クリニック
Specialty: Dental
Address: 群馬県前橋市紅雲町 2-28-11
2 Chome-28-11 Kouncho, Maebashi, Gunma 371-0025
Opening Hours: 9:00~13:00,
14:30~18:30 (Closed on Wednesdays and Sundays)
- Cleaning and small cavity recently and 3 visits were around ¥1,000, ¥700, and ¥700 each (with health insurance).
- The dentist is wonderful and speaks English very well.
- It is recommended to call ahead and make a reservation (ask a teacher at your school).
- 10 minute walk Maebashi Station
Website: https://www.tashin-dc.com/
Phone Number: 027-221-3113
Akatsuki Women’s Clinic • あかつきウィメンズクリニック
Specialty: Obstetrics and Gynaecology (OB-GYN)
Address: 〒372-0817群馬県伊勢崎市連取本町20−9
20-9 Tsunatorihonmachi, Isesaki, Gunma 372-0817
Opening Hours: 9:00~12:00, 15:00~18:00 (Closed on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sunday afternoons)
- Akatsuki Women’s Clinic has an amazing female doctor, fluent in English, who went to medical school in America. Her handling of patients is similar to that of the gaikoku, very relaxed and professional.
- The reception staff don’t speak English, but some basic Google translate can support you through the sign-up process.
- Walk-ins are welcome.
- Open on weekends in the morning.
Website: https://akatsukiwomens.com/access.html
Phone Number: 0270-21-7000
Central Clinic Isesaki • セントラルクリニック伊勢崎
Specialty: Urology, Dermatology, and Internal and External Medicine
Address: 群馬県伊勢崎市粕川町1050-1
1050-1 Kasukawacho, Isesaki City, Gunma Prefecture
Opening Hours: 9:00~12:30
and 15:00~18:30, Saturday 9:00~16:00 (Closed on Sundays and Mondays)
- Doctor speaks near-fluent English.
- Nurses and thorough and attentive.
Website: https://isesakisawa.gunma.med.or.jp/map/individual/sentoraru.htm
Phone Number: 0270-30-8113
Kaigan Glasses • メガネのカイガン桐生店
Specialty: Optometry
Address: 〒370-0121群馬県伊勢崎市境女塚2-1
2 Chome-698-1 Aioicho, Kiryu, Gunma Prefecture 376-0011
Opening Hours: 10:00~20:00
(Closed every other Thursday)
- You’ll need a wee bit of Japanese for this clinic, but you can get your eyes checked and buy your contacts in the same place for a reasonable price.
- Walking distance from Aioi Station
Website: https://kaigan.co.jp/information/
Phone Number: 0270-74-1681
Ohkawa Dental Clinic • 大川歯科医院
Specialty: Dental
Address: 〒373-0802 群馬県太田市矢場新町118-4
118-4 Yabashinmachi, Ota, Gunma 373-0802
Opening Hours: 9:00~12:00 and
13:30~18:00 (Closed on Thursdays and Sundays)
- Friendly staff.
- Excellent dentist with good English skills.
- Appointments can be made online.
Website: https://ok-dent.business.site/?utm_source=gmb&utm_medium=referral
Phone Number: 0276-46-8750
Manaka Clinic • 真中医院
Specialty: Obstetrics and Gynaecology (OB-GYN)
Address: 〒374-0024 群馬県館林市本町3丁目4-5
3-4-5 Honcho, Tatebayashi City, Gunma Prefecture 374-0024
Opening Hours: 9:00~12:30 and 14:30~17:00
(Closed on Thursday afternoons, and Sundays)
- It’s a short walk from Tatebayashi Station.
- Open on Saturday mornings
Website: http://www.med-manaka.org/
Phone Number: 0276-72-1630
Emori Internal Medicine Clinic • 江森内科医院
Specialty: Internal Medicine, Respiratory Medicine,
Gastroenterology, and Cardiology
Address: 〒378-0042群馬県沼田市西倉内町588
588 Nishikurauchimachi, Numata, Gunma Prefecture 378-0042
Opening Hours: 8:30~18:30 (Closed
on Saturdays and Sundays)
- Emori-sensei speaks quite good English, especially medical terminology, which really helps. He also increased dosages to meet Western standards.
- The nurses and reception staff are mostly only Japanese-speaking, but support you through the sign-up process.
Website: https://byoinnavi.jp/clinic/62147
Phone Number: 027-820-1001
Haramachi Red Cross Hospital • 原町赤十字病院
Specialty: General
Address: 群馬県吾妻郡東吾妻町大字原町698
698 Haramachi, Higashiagatsuma, Agatsuma District, Gunma 377-0801
Opening Hours: 8:00~11:00 and
- This is one of the closest recommended clinics to the Agatsuma area.
Website: http://www.haramachi.jrc.or.jp/access.html
Phone Number: 0279-68-2711
Shimada Clinic • しまだ医院
Specialty: General
Address: 〒377-0423 群馬県吾妻郡中之条町大字伊勢町28-1
28-1 Isemachi, Nakanojo, Agatsuma District, Gunma 377-0423
Opening Hours: 9:00~12:30 and 14:00~17:30
(Closed on Thursdays, Sundays, and holidays)
- The doctor here was willing to work with an ALT to get a good substitute for an American medication that wasn’t available here.
Website: http://agatsuma.gunma.med.or.jp/2017/03/details_nak009/.html
Phone Number: 0279-76-3435
Takeuchi Clinic • 竹内医院
Specialty: General
Address: 〒379-1314 群馬県利根郡みなかみ町下津2095
2095 Shimozu, Minakami, Tone District, Gunma 379-1314
Opening Hours: 8:30~11:30 and 14:00~17:00
(Closed on Thursday and Saturday afternoons, and Sundays)
- This is a recommended local GP.
- The English level at this clinic is low, so potentially bring a supervisor to support your during your trip.
Website: https://medley.life/institutions/564aaa2f1c1b604d59c1294f/
Phone Number: 0278-62-1677
American Clinic Tokyo • アメリカンクリニック東京
Specialty: Psychiatry
Address: 〒107-0052 東京都港区赤坂1-7-4 No.1ニイクラビル3階
No.1 Niikura Building 3F, 1-7-4 Akasaka, Minatoku, Tokyo, 107-0052
Opening Hours: 9:00~12:00 and 15:00~18:00
(Closed on Saturdays and Sundays)
- Dr. Andrew Kissane is a native English speaker, specialising in clinical depression and anxiety disorder.
- Mental health is not covered by your healthcare plan, and appointments costs approximately ¥15000 a time (not including medicine).
Website: https://www.americanclinictokyo.com/
Phone Number: 03-6441-0969
Tokyo Mental Health
Specialty: Counselling
Address: 6F Urbane Mitsui Building, Shintomi 2-4-6, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Opening Hours: 9:00~21:00
- Mr. Ryota Sakurai has near native English.
- Mental health is not covered by your healthcare plan, and sessions cost approximately ¥11000 per hour.
- Appointments can be made online.
Website: https://www.tokyomentalhealth.com/
Cover photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash